Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Forgetful Lately

Do you ever have a great topic, or even just a good topic for a post? But you're not at the computer? You're on your way out the front door, falling asleep, in the shower, in a store, in traffic instead? And then when you do get to your computer you've completely forgotten what it was?

Maybe I'll start carrying around a little memo pad for those moments. How obsessive would that be though?


Stimey said...

As obsessive as me. I have little notebooks everywhere: in my car, in my purses, in drawers around my house...

And still I write notes and compose posts on the backs of lists, receipts, and whatever else I can find.

But I never claimed to not be obsessive. Quite the opposite actually.

Leightongirl said...

I always have a notebook in my purse, car, by the bed. Lists on receipts, you name it. It's essential!

Anonymous said...

I was just reading Stimeyland and got up and wrote down an idea for a post ... on just ONE of my pads :)