Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Special Kiss

Son and I have a bedtime ritual that involves 'special kisses'. Ever since he was an infant I have kissed him goodnight on the same spot on his cheek. I don't remember how this started, but we call it 'my special kiss'. Son returns the kiss to me too.

Last night when we were doing 'special kisses' he started kissing my cheek repeatedly. When he was finished he asked, "Did you recognize that pattern Mama?" I didn't. So he told me the pattern.

"It's I love you in Morse Code!" he told me.

Now, THAT is a special kiss.


Jessica @ Little Nesting Doll said...

So cute! My daughter and I have a special bedtime routine, too. I tell her I love her "A Bushel and a Peck" (hence the name of my blog), and she replies "And a hug around the neck!". Its little, but its something special!

Stimey said...

Wow! You have a really smart kid.