Thursday, February 28, 2008

My New Checking Account

Something I don't talk much about here is my own business that I recently started. I came up with a plan, a title and got it LLC'd, created a website and have been slowly advertising. That was pretty cool. But this past month I got my first check from my first client.

That meant I finally got around to opening a checking account for the business. I did that today.

I was not expecting the feeling I experienced while sitting there, signing the papers, and handing over that first check to be deposited. Then she asked me what I wanted my PIN to be. And it occured to me.

This really is real. And what a great feeling it is.


Jessica McFadden said...

Congrats! How empowering. I wish you a very happy launch!

Stimey said...

Congratulations!! What a wonderful thing. May there be many more checks and more satisfaction to come.