Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - mostly

Well, orginally I was going to take a picture of a bag of Easter Candy Corn. I was at the grocery store Monday and came across it. Never seen it before. Candy Corn is my favorite candy! It's also a gluten/casein free candy so it's safe for Son to have too. So I picked up a bag. Planned on taking a picture of it for today. But, well, then it got opened. By last night it's contents were not much. So I figured I'll just take a picture of a mostly empty bag this morning. Went to get the almost empty bag this morning. It's no longer on the counter. It is in fact, in the trash, completely empty. Guess my Son really likes them too! So, to spare you all a picture of the bag in my trash can, you get this one I found on the net instead.

Click here for more Wordless Wednesday pics!


tx sweetie said...

those candies look sweet and yummy.colorful too. HAPPY WW!

my ww is up now too t,pls check it out

Fragile Hand
Chocolate Boy

Donna. W said...

That'll teach you to leave candy laying out where people can see it.

Mommy Lutchi said...

my kiddos love this sweets,thanks for sharing. Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMYlife. Hope you can visit me too.