Saturday, August 7, 2010

Does Anyone Else Have This Issue?

I've got bangs.

Problem is when I have them, I don't want them. I start to think I look better without them. They require more maintance - especially since I have a cowlick just in the center of my forehead (thank goodness for straightening irons!).

So I grow them out. And then I don't have them.

But then I think I look better with bangs. So I get my hair cut and get bangs back.

And about 4 months later I think, 'No, I looked better without bangs. I should grow them out.'

Rinse, Lather, Repeat....

Am I the only one with this issue?


Nancy said...

For me it's not the bangs, but length of the hair.

I decide it's too short, so I grow it out.

An eternity later, when it finally grows, I decide I really don't like it long, and chop it.

I decide it's too short, so I grow it out...

April said...

I went through this when I was younger. Now my 12-year-old daughter is going through it! Part of the circle of life, I guess.

Robin said...

Mom, Ma'am Me - the length is definitely another constant battle too, especially with the hot summer we're having!

April - yes, definitely part of the circle of life. I see this with my nieces too.

Leader of the Pack said...

Definitely not! The quest for the correct hair style I have realized is life long (and NEVER fulfilled :-)